Blood Drive

Contact: Knights of Columbus, Tom Fitzpatrick


Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish sponsors blood drives in conjunction with Hudson Valley Blood Services. Dates of the blood drives will be announced in the bulletin as well as through Flocknote. Donation locations may be in Annunciation School or Breen Hall depending on the time of year. The Blessed Mother Council of the Knights of Columbus is the parish organization which coordinates the blood drive.

Midnight Run

Contact:  Rob Buonocore
Phone:  (914) 779-7345

Our parish supports the Dobbs Ferry-based non-profit Midnight Run. Each run, which results in the feeding and clothing of the homeless in New York City, is a major undertaking. During the morning run, our parish brings breakfast sandwiches and hot/cold drinks as well as brown bag lunches, snacks, clothing and bags of toiletries to an assigned NYC location, where we distribute to the homeless. While distributing items, we are able to interact with those in need and spend time talking and getting to know them.

The parish is asked to help in this Christian service by donating new and used men’s clothing, shoes and sneakers, dark colored backpacks, soft snacks and fruits, juice boxes and toiletries as well as preparing hundreds of bag lunches to be given to the homeless during the run. Help is needed in collecting and sorting donations of clothing and food from 2:30-5:00 p.m. the day before the run. Parish members who are interested in actually going on the run must be available from 6:00 a.m. until approximately 10:00 a.m. on the morning of the breakfast run as well as help organize items during the prior day’s collection. The dates for breakfast runs will be announced in the bulletin.

Ministry to Elders, Sick & Homebound

Contact: The Rectory
Phone: (914) 779-7345

Ministry to Elders, Sick and Homebound is an extension of the work of Jesus. “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me. I tell you, indeed, whenever you did this for one of the least of my people, you did it for me.” (Matthew 25:35-36,40) Reaching out to elders includes listening, understanding, affirming, praying with them and bringing Holy Communion. It means paying a visit to the elder, telephone reassurance, doing simple chores, preparing a meal and possibly driving someone to church or to the doctor. As Catholic Christians, we are all called to share our time and talents with God’s people. We have many parishioners who need this vital Christian service. Please call the Rectory if you would have time to help.

Thanksgiving Dinner Donation

Contact: Evelyn Cosgrove
Phone: (914) 337-7356

During the Thanksgiving season, the parish provides approximately 300 complete Thanksgiving dinners to needy families. Parishioners are asked to drop off a complete dinner (including frozen bird!) at the Parish Room on the Monday and Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving. This is a wonderful way to share your love with less fortunate families. The turkey dinners are distributed to St. Peter’s in south Yonkers, St. Mary and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Mt. Vernon and Mercy Center in the south Bronx.

The Giving Tree

Contact: Diane Vezza
Phone: (914) 961-3097

During the Christmas season, the parish shows its generosity and love by providing hundreds of new gifts for needy families in Manhattan, the south Bronx and Sleepy Hollow. A Christmas tree is set up on the Annunciation Church altar, covered with tags that bear the name and age of a needy child or adult. Parishioners are asked to take a tag on one Sunday and return the following Sunday with a wrapped gift appropriate for the person specified. The tag is to be fastened to the gift. Gifts are then sorted on the Monday after the return date and transported to those families. The organizations supported by the Giving Tree are STEPS to End Family Violence, Mercy Center, Cardinal McCloskey Services, SISDA and St. Teresa Avila Church.