Religious Education Thanksgiving Tree!
2024-2025 Religious Education Classes

Advent Service Project!
For more information, please contact our Director of Religious Education, Jenna Tarantino jtarantino@annunciation-fatima.com.
Families interested in learning more about our Special Needs Religious Education program, please contact our Coordinator, Doreen Napolitano at doreen.napolitano@annunciation-fatima.com.
For questions on the registration process, please email, reledadmin@annunciation-fatima.com.

Fr. Paul explains the mass! Lenten Service Project! Retreat led by the PVMI Sisters!
The Religious Education Program at Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima assists parents in religious formation of their children (grades 1-7) as Roman Catholics through:
- Weekly lessons created by faith-filled adults who engage and challenge students to a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ with the goal of a more personal and spiritual relationship with Him.
- A community environment where all families feel welcome and enthusiastic in their love for Jesus Christ and the practice of the Roman Catholic faith.
- Prayer and reflection based in sacred scripture and sacred tradition including monthly communal experiences of Catholic practices such as Stations of the Cross and the Rosary.
- Seasonal celebrations of the Church year to foster enjoyment of the Church’s sacred traditions.
- Special events to prepare students and their parents for the celebration of First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation.
- Our program follows the Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines which may be found here for Grades 1-6 and here for Grade 7.
- $100 for First Communion (2nd Grade)
- $150 for Confirmation (7th Grade)
Annual Parish Support:
- $300 per family
Registration for the 2024-25 School Year begins on July 31st. To register new and returning students, please use the online registration form. Registration fees may be submitted on-line using a credit card or PayPal — or by check dropped off/mailed to the Annunciation Rectory, 470 Westchester Ave., Crestwood 10707. Please label your payment to the attention of Religious Education/Doreen Napolitano.
If you have any questions on the registration process, please email Maureen DeTone at reledadmin@annunciation-fatima.com
Special Needs Program: Parents of students with special needs should contact Doreen Napolitano to request, Coordinator for Religious Education, doreen.napolitano@annunciation-fatima.com, to discuss registration and class placement.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be a registered member of the parish to participate in the Religious Education Program. Families may register on-line at www.annunciation-fatima.com/new-to-our-parish .
2023-2024 Religious Education registration fees:
1 child $525 ($225 registration fee + $300 annual contribution to the parish)
2 children $610 ($310 registration fee + $300 annual contribution to the parish)
3 or more children $675 ($375 registration fee + $300 annual contribution to the parish)