Altar Rosary Society

Contact: Michelle Weigand
Phone: (914) 779-5870

Sacristan Committee

Contact: Denise Conti (Sacristan-North)
Phone: (914) 674-8884

Altar Server Vestment Committee

Contact: Denise Conti (Vestment-North)
Phone: (914) 674-8884

Members of the parish assist in the preparation of the garments and linens used for weekly and Sunday Mass at both churches.

At Annunciation Church, the Altar Rosary Society launders altar linens on a rotating basis. This group also has responsibility for decorating both churches for major holidays such as Easter and Christmas (with the help of the Men’s Club.)

At Our Lady of Fatima Church, members of the Sacristan Committee take turns picking up the altar cloths, corporals and linens that have been used during the Masses that week. They are then washed according to a special procedure and ironed and returned the following weekend. A schedule is sent out monthly.

The Altar Server Vestment Committee launders and irons the altar server vestments at Our Lady of Fatima Church on a rotating basis according to a monthly schedule.

Altar Servers

Coordinator: Fr. Robert Carolan
Phone: (914) 779-7345

Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish is very proud of its altar server program, which includes boys and girls from grades 3 through high school. Applicants must be actively attending Mass and will be trained to serve weekend, wedding and funeral Masses. The training program takes approximately six weeks to complete. Altar server schedules are posted on the parish website and distributed via Flocknote. Servers are required to attend their scheduled Mass or find a substitute.

Eucharistic Ministers

Contact: Denise Conti
Phone: 914-674-8884 

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are parishioners who volunteer, with the approval of the Pastor, to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and in the homes of homebound parishioners and at Sunrise Senior Living and Sprain Brook Manor Rehab. Schedules are distributed by Flocknote and are available at any time on the parish website. Meetings are held as needed. On Holy Thursday all of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist renew their commitment of service at the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.


Contact: Ryan Tarantino
Phone: (917) 301-9756

Lectors proclaim the Word of God, read the Prayers of the Faithful and parish announcements at all parish Eucharistic celebrations and special liturgies, including Holy Days and holidays. In their ministry, the Lectors (Liturgical Ministers) share with homilists the responsibility of faithfully and prayerfully sharing the Word with the entire congregation. Schedules are distributed via Flocknote and are available on the parish website.

thumbnail of annunciation-our-lady-of-fatima-lector-guide

Lector Guide

Music Ministry

Contact: Jennifer Cardoni
Phone: (914) 980-2469

Adult Choir

There are currently two adult choirs. They rehearse together once a week at 7:00 p.m. and lead song at the high Mass Sunday mornings (11 a.m. at Our Lady of Fatima Church and 12 noon at Annunciation Church).

Junior Choir

Membership is available to anyone in grades 2 through 8. The choir has practice one afternoon per week and sings each Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. Mass, at First Friday liturgies and other special school and community services.

St. Joseph Guild

Contact: Denise Conti
Phone: (914) 674-8884

The St. Joseph Guild is a group of dedicated parishioners who volunteer to clean Our Lady of Fatima Church. Every other week, a team of two people dust, clean, polish, and straighten up the interior of the church. It takes only about 1-1 ½ hours for the church to look its best and for the team members to feel the wonderful reward of having helped beautify the House of God!


Contact: Andrew Burger
Annunciation Church co-ordinator
Phone: (914) 793-6529

Contact: Paul DelDuca
Our Lady of Fatima Church co-ordinator
Phone: (914) 715-3572

Ushering at Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima is the ministry of welcoming fellow parishioners to Mass and other Church functions and assisting in promoting a respectful, dignified atmosphere for all in attendance. Responsibilities include seating, taking up collections, counting attendance, guiding to Holy Communion, handing out bulletins and helping organize the pews for the next liturgy. If you have an interest in serving the parish as an Usher, please contact the coordinator or the rectory at (914) 779-7345 for more information.