Anna Caruso

August 3, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – August 6, 2023

According to recent studies, Americans spend an average of two hours a day with television.  Others raise that figure to as much as four and a half hours.  Add time spent reading newspapers and magazines, or listening to radio and stereo, or on the internet or video games, and we can see why the media is one of the most formative influences on our culture. If these statistics on the extent of media’s influence are unsettling, an examination of what they contain should be even more so.  For example, the media barrage on the human mind is a staggering load […]
July 27, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – July 30, 2023

From the human point of view, God does the most unlikely things.  Who would have expected Him to visit the earth, but He did.  Who would have expected Him to be born in a stable, but He was.  Who would have expected Him to die on a cross, but he did.  And when he decided to find a leader for His Church who would have expected Him to choose Peter, but He did. This goes to show that God’s ways are not our ways.  This is especially so in His choice of leaders.  Take the case of Moses for instance: […]
July 20, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – July 23, 2023

The earthquake which devastated Mexico City several years ago had saddened the hearts of many with scenes and stories of human suffering.  But ironically, this  unbelievable tragedy had periodically gladdened the hearts of everyone with stories of heroism and hope.  One such event was the rescue of two little babies, a boy and a girl.  Both were buried for several days in the rubble of the hospital where they were born.  Rescuers were surprised to find them, not only alive, but in remarkably good condition and crying at the tops of their voices.  A physician, interviewed at the scene, said, […]
July 13, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – July 16, 2023

If you were asked to sum up your life to this moment in one brief statement of twenty-five words or less – How would you do it?  What would you say?  Think about that for a moment.  You have been living now for fifteen years, fifty years, or however long it’s been.  Those years have contained a combination of good and bad, success and failure, fulfillment, and disappointment.  Now you want to summarize them in one brief statement.  How would you go about doing that? Admittedly, it would not be easy to do.  Most of us would need quite a […]
July 8, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – July 9, 2023

               A poster from the 1960’s offered an excellent commentary on human nature.  Two babies in diapers about the same age sat facing each other.  One was reaching out to the other as though to establish contact.  The caption underneath said, “At last I have found someone exactly like me.”  One of the babies was black; the other was white.  That strikes me as an interesting comment on the similarity and dissimilarity in human beings.  Sometimes we get to thinking that our needs and problems are unique to us, that no one else in […]