Anna Caruso

September 27, 2016

Holy Name Society Meeting Sunday, 10/2/16 at 10AM Lower Meeting Room

All men of the parish are invited to attend the Holy Name Society’s meeting…we hope to see you there!!
September 13, 2016

September 11, 2016

Have you noticed that the roses in your garden grow gradually, but they blossom suddenly – first a rosebud, and then a full bloom. Of course, we know in advance that a rose bush will produce roses. But the thrilling thing about a human life is that you never know what it might produce, once it blossoms out. Some years ago in Italy, there was a young man from a wealthy family. He had every   opportunity to be spoiled and selfish, and lead a life of ease and luxury. But one day he made a decision and acted upon it. […]
September 13, 2016

September 4, 2016

Central to our Catholic faith is a conviction that the human personality is sacred and that all human life has meaning both now and forever. That is one thing that makes our Christian gospel the most redemptive force on earth. It believes in and proudly proclaims to all the world this eternal worthiness of every human life from conception until God Himself calls us home.   For this reason we have schools and hospitals and orphanages and rest homes. We send out missionaries; we feed the poor; we befriend the lonely and forgotten. Why all this tremendous expenditures of time and […]
September 13, 2016

August 21, 2016

Some of the things that Our Lord said and did were so revolutionary, so contrary to       custom that we find them difficult to believe, let alone practice. One such statement is:   “Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the needs of all.” Jesus dared to suggest that the greatest person at a banquet may not be the honored guest at the head table. It well might be one of those men and women who are out there     pouring the coffee, serving the food, and cleaning up the tables after everyone else has gone home. The greatest person in […]
September 12, 2016

Eucharistic Minister Schedules 9/4/16-11/27/16

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