Anna Caruso

June 26, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – June 28, 2020

When Harry Truman was president of the United States, his daughter, Margaret, was aspiring to a career in opera.  The music critics had written some rather discouraging things about her future in that particular field.  Finally, she went to a specialist for an assessment of her chances to become an opera star.  After several days of evaluation, the specialist gave her opinion.  She said to Miss Truman, “You have a beautiful voice.  It is big enough and rich enough for opera.  The problem is with your ear.  And because of your ear, you will never attain greatness.” Maybe that same […]
June 19, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – June 21, 2020

A student is planning to maintain high marks, graduate from high school, then go to college and prepare for a useful and worthwhile career.  A young couple is  planning to get married, have a wonderful relationship and build a beautiful home.  Parents are planning to instill in their children a sense of self-worth and high moral values that will guide and sustain them long after they are gone from home. And no doubt each of us is planning to become the best person that he or she possibly can.  We plan to be true to our principles, faithful to our […]
June 12, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – June 14, 2020

The world today is again in desperate need of a spiritual awakening.  It is the only hope for the survival of the human race. In the midst of the vast problems which face our world, Christians are strangely silent and powerless, almost overwhelmed by the tide of secularism.  And yet, Christians are called to be “the salt of the earth”, keeping a decaying world from further corruption.  Christians are to be “the light of the world”, illuminating the darkness caused by sin and giving guidance to a world that has lost its way.  We are called to be “children of […]
June 5, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – June 7, 2020

I think that sometimes the word “sin” slips through our mind as though it pertains merely to religion and nothing else.  Sin is not some abstraction that the church has dreamed up as an excuse for her own existence, far from it.  Multitudes of people who know little and care less about the Church and her message are firm believers in the  reality of sin.  Why is it that government at every level spends millions of dollars to maintain police forces, jails, prisons and courts of law?  The basic reason is sin.  Why is it that automobile manufacturers equip their […]
May 29, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – May 31, 2020

Today is Pentecost Sunday and there is much for us to meditate on.  But I would like to share with you a dimension of Pentecost that we seldom consider.  In a matter of seven weeks, those first followers of Jesus conquered the fear that had put them in prison and walked bravely out to face the world.  How did they do that?  We all would do well to learn from their experience. First, whenever life becomes threatening and fear closes in, we can look for the challenge instead of the fright.  Do you suppose Jesus was afraid that night when […]