Dede LaRock

July 17, 2019

AED and CPR Training – July 23 or 24

PHELPS Memorial Hospital & The American Heart Association Heartsaver AED Course will be held on Tuesday, July 23 OR Wednesday, July 24, 2019  The Heartsaver AED course teaches the lay provider adult CPR and the use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).  Participants also learn to use barrier devices in CPR and give first aid for choking.  Course open to high school students and up.  Certification valid for 2 years & re-certification required every 2 years.   Dates/Locations:   Tuesday, July 23, 2019                                        […]
July 10, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – July 14, 2019

           When Dwight Eisenhower was President of the United States, he was quoted as saying, “the   people of the world want peace so much that that one these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.”  Here we are many years later and still the saying of President Eisenhower rings true.             If we could take a survey of the nations of the world, I am sure we would discover that one of the deepest desires of all people is to live in peace.  At […]
July 2, 2019

Play Auditions – Sept. 13 & 14

July 2, 2019

Cub Scout Car Wash – Sept. 14

The Cub Scouts will be hosting a Car Wash fundraiser on Saturday, September 14th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot behind Annunciation School.   The cost is $10 per car.  Come support the Scouts!  (Please enter on St. Eleanora’s Lane.)
July 1, 2019

Annual Parish Picnic – Sept. 14