Dede LaRock

September 21, 2018

Letter from the Pastor – September 23, 2018

              It seems that one of the main difficulties that some people have with the Christian gospel is that it seems to them to be unrealistic.  Few of them would deny that Jesus lived a good life or that He said some beautiful things.  That, in fact, is the basis of their problem.  As they see it, Jesus was so good and His teachings are so beautiful that they simply do not fit in a world such as ours.               There is a tendency among some people to think of Jesus as an idealist, […]
September 18, 2018

The Passing of Deacon Pellegrini

We regret to inform our parishioners of the passing of Deacon Guy Pellegrini on September 15, 2018.  He graduated in the first diaconate class from the Archdiocese of New York and had been assigned to various churches throughout the area.  He served the Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima parish faithfully these last 13 years as deacon and as a religious education teacher.  He was a loving person who was a friend to all.  He will be missed by the priests, parishioners and by the students whose lives he touched.    
September 12, 2018

Holy Hour & Evening of Prayer – Sept. 14

Please join us on Friday, September 14th at 7:30 pm at Annunciation Church so that, in light of the recent scandals, we may all pray together that the church may be more deeply purified and humbled and may shine forth with the radiance of the face of Christ.
September 12, 2018

Parish Picnic – Sept. 22

Saturday, September 22nd will be the Annual Parish Picnic sponsored by the Men’s Club!  All parish families are invited to Schultz Field from 12 pm to dusk.  Hot dogs, burgers, cold salads and the trimmings will be provided.  Bring your own drinks, sides and snacks.  It should be a fun day for everyone!
August 17, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – August 19, 2018

          For many centuries, people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around it. Then here came along a Polish astronomer named Copernicus, who held on to a different theory. He believed that the sun was the center of our solar system, and that the earth and all other planets within the system were revolving around the sun. Almost no one agreed with him. His theory was so unpopular and revolutionary that he was afraid to release it. But shortly before his death in the sixteenth century, he published a book. Very soon his […]