Dede LaRock

May 13, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – May 15, 2022

                We, Catholics, have let our secular society give us a kind of inferiority complex.  We too often speak and act as if the biblical understanding of man and woman and of human society were in some way inferior, or as if it were somehow unfair for us to advance our religious views and values in the public arena.                 We need to remind ourselves that our Christian perspective on life does not originate with Christians, but with Christ, the Son of our Creator.  It was God who created the human race, who […]
May 6, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – May 8, 2022

                Our parish was indeed blessed this Easter with 5 young adults being accepted into full membership within our Church at our Easter Vigil.  These are indeed hopeful signs that more and more people are being drawn by the beauty of Christ and His gospel.                 But I also think that it is in part a revolution against the new paganism that has permeated our society.  It seems to me that more and more people are becoming more and more disgusted with the appalling spectacle of this modern paganism.  It is not evident […]
May 6, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day! – May 8

Fr. Grippo, the priests and religious, and the staff would like to wish all of the mothers in the parish a blessed and Happy Mother’s Day!
April 22, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – April 24, 2022

                If we were to think back to those first followers of Jesus, we do so in terms of strength and stability.  We remember them as men who went out to meet life and lived it with great enthusiasm.  They faced persecution with dignity, met danger with courage, and handled problems with unwavering confidence.  In short, they were the kind of persons we all would like to be.  And that image of them is for the most part accurate.  However, we need to remember that they were not that way all of their […]
April 14, 2022

Happy Easter!

The priests, religious, and staff of the Annunciation – Our Lady of Fatima parish wish you all a happy, healthy and holy Easter!