Dede LaRock

November 14, 2018

Parish Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners for our Annual Parish Raffle! First Prize:  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Petti Second Prize:  Mr & Mrs. Brian Byrne Third Prize:  Mrs. William O’Dea Fourth Prize:  Jean Rooney & the Granger family Fifth Prize:  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cusack Thank you to everyone who participated!
November 14, 2018

Turkey Dinner Donations – Nov. 19 & 20

Please help others to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving by donating complete Thanksgiving dinners to our Turkey Dinner Drive.  Please bring complete (uncooked) dinners with only FROZEN turkeys to the Parish Room on Monday, November 19 from 8 am – 8 pm and Tuesday, November 20th from 8 am – 5 pm.  Turkeys must be frozen, all other food may be fresh, packaged or canned.  No donations accepted after 5 pm on Tuesday.  Dinners will be donated to various needy parishes, food pantries and homeless shelters in our area.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.
November 14, 2018

Mass in Gaelic – Nov. 24

Fr. James Sheridan will be visiting our parish to celebrate Mass in Gaelic at Annunciation Church at 12 noon.  Please join us!
November 14, 2018

Crestwood Tree Lighting – Dec. 4

Come usher in the Christmas season with the Crestwood Tree Lighting on Tuesday, December 4th at 7 pm at the American Legion Plaza (Crestwood Station).  This event is hosted by the Annunciation Girl Scouts.  Cub Scout Pack 6 will host a hat, glove and scarf collection to benefit the homeless supported by Midnight Run.  Collection bins will be available at the Tree Lighting. Please join your neighbors in this lovely annual tradition!
November 14, 2018

Advent Bible Study – Dec. 10