October 15, 2018

October issue of “The Messenger”

October 12, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – October 14, 2018

 Sigmund Freud once said, “In the matter of therapy, humanity is in the highest degree irrational, so that there is no prospect of influencing it by reasonable arguments… against prejudice one can do nothing.”  But to look at the problem of prejudice and say there is nothing that can be done about it is patient foolishness.  Something can be done, and if we are going to call ourselves Christians, we had best be doing it.    St. James put this matter very pointedly: “My brothers, your faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ must not allow for favoritism.”  Then he paints a […]
October 5, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – October 7, 2018

            One of the marks of a learned person is that he knows he doesn’t know very much. Isaac Newton was that kind of a person. He was one of the major scientific minds of the last 300 years, and yet he once described himself as a small child on the sea shore, picking up a few pebbles, all the while surrounded by a vast ocean of the unknown. Albert Einstein was also like that. In our modern world, his name is a symbol of genius; and yet he said, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the […]
October 2, 2018

Children’s Liturgy Sign Up to Help

Click below to sign up to help at Children’s Liturgy!   Thank you. Children’s Liturgy Sign Up
September 28, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – September 30, 2018

It seems to me that we Catholics, in the remaining years of this twentieth century, have a golden opportunity to make the gospel real and relevant to a world that is weary of wars, terrorism, bondage, weary of emptiness, and increasingly weary of moral degradation.  It is a time when we should prepare ourselves to be the church at its best.  We must remind ourselves that the world is ready now for the message of God’s love, delivered by people like ourselves who demonstrate that love in their own lives.  During most of the century, a large part of the […]