April 16, 2018

Parents’ Night Out – April 20

Enjoy a night out – or in! – while we watch your children (ages 1 – 10)  Friday, April 20th from 6:30 – 10:30 pm in the Parish Room   Evening includes activities, movies and snacks Hosted by Girl Scout Troop 1736, with parent supervision By reservation only and limited to 20 children   Please RSVP to gstroop1736@gmail.com with name, number of kids and phone number – or call 914-787-8663
April 13, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – April 15, 2018

Do you know that a sickness of the soul, no less than a sickness of the body, can become a chronic condition?  Look, for a moment, at your own life and tell me if this isn’t true.  Could you not put your finger on an unhealthy spiritual condition that has remained unimproved year after year?  It doesn’t take an expert to analyze this kind of problem; all it takes is honesty. Were you touchy, overly sensitive and difficult to live with years ago?  Look at that area of your life today.  Has anything changed?  Has the condition improved at all?  […]
April 6, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – April 8, 2018

In the course of our daily lives, it is such an easy thing for us to lose our awareness of God.  There are so many things that can come in and obscure His presence.  Trouble can do it and so can success.  Sometimes it’s just plain business at home or at work.  In the hectic pace of modern living, God somehow gets pushed out of our thoughts and seemingly out of our lives.  Then one day, something happens to remind us that we need Him; so, we start to look for Him.  And at times like that He can seem […]
April 2, 2018

Men’s Club Spring Mixer – April 7

April 2, 2018

Confirmation – April 21

Confirmation Day is Saturday, April 21st at 10 am and 1 pm at Annunciation Church.  Congratulations to all of our Annunciation students and Religious Education students who are receiving their Confirmation today!