December 23, 2020

Pastor’s Christmas Message – December 25, 2020

There is a children’s story about a shopkeeper who dreamed one night that Jesus would visit him the next day.  The dream was so real that the shopkeeper believed it was really going to happen.  He got up the next morning fully expecting Jesus to visit him that day in his shop. When he arrived at work, the first item of business was to put the place in order, to clean up, pick up, fix up.  Everything had to be spic and span for the Lord’s visit.  So, he put his salesclerk to work with a broom and a dust […]
December 22, 2020

Christmas Mass Schedule

This year, due to Covid, we are requiring reservations to attend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses at Annunciation and Our Lady of Fatima churches.   A limited number of seats remain for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day masses and you can make reservations on our home page.  We are saddened not to be able to welcome all who would like to attend, but encourage you to join us via livestream.  You can livestream all the masses held at Annunciation Church on our home page.  We wish you and your families a very Blessed Christmas!  
December 18, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – December 20, 2020

                 Have you ever felt the frustration of wanting to say something, but not knowing how to say it?  You have loved someone very deeply, and have sought the words to express that love, but never could find them.  You have shared the sorrow of a friend and have tried to tell him or her how much you cared.  But the words that you spoke did not begin to convey the sympathy that you felt.  Those who are parents have wanted to tell your child something about life something he or she desperately […]
December 15, 2020

Christmas Concert – Dec. 15

Seating will be limited to 25% capacity and masks will be required by all attendees.
December 14, 2020

Mitten Tree & Giving Tree Thank You

The Mitten Tree and The Giving Tree collections have now concluded. Thank you to all of our parishioners who generously donated to both efforts this year.  So many adults, teens and children will have a happier Christmas season because of your kindness!