February 23, 2021

Lenten Events 2021

February 19, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – February 21, 2021

Would you agree that most people have a rather casual concept of forgiveness?  Many tend to view it somewhat the same way as a police officer tearing up a traffic ticket or a judge saying: “Case dismissed.” And yet with Jesus, forgiveness is never shallow and inconsequential.  Calvary can be understood only in terms of Jesus’ concern for us and for what sin does to us, and the suffering and sorrow it causes in our lives and in the lives of others. It may be less painful to close our eyes and minds to our own sins, but the price […]
February 12, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – February 14, 2021

                I heard a story one time about a man who was a construction foreman for a wealthy financier.  The financier furnished the money and the foreman furnished the know-how.  Together they were in the building business.                 One day the financier called the foreman into his office.  He explained that he would be out of the city for a while and that while he was gone he wanted a house built.  He said, “Here are the plans, and I have deposited in the local bank under your signature $25,000 which is the […]
February 5, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – February 7, 2021

We often speak of self-sacrifice as an ideal for our Christian living.  We call upon ourselves and others who will listen to give up selfishness and live sacrificially.  But the moral quality of any sacrifice is determined by the cause for which it is made.   Some years ago, the world was shocked by a story of sacrifice in the city of Beirut.  A young man drove a truck loaded with explosives into a building, housing more than two hundred U.S. Marines.  Then he deliberately detonated the explosives, taking his own life and the lives of most of the men who […]
February 5, 2021

Ash Wednesday Schedule – Feb. 17

Wednesday, February 17th is Ash Wednesday.  Ashes will be distributed as follows: Annunciation Church: 6:45 am Mass 9 am Mass 10 am Mass 5 pm Prayer Service 7:30 pm Mass Our Lady of Fatima Church: 9 am Mass 12 pm Prayer Service   In addition, the Stations of the Cross will be said in both churches every Friday during Lent at 7:30 pm.