January 3, 2017

Youth Ministry Meeting – January 5

Let’s ring in the New Year together!  Thursday, January 5th from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Room.
January 3, 2017

Holy Name Society Meeting – January 8th

The next meeting of the Holy Name Society will be on Sunday, January 8th at 10 am following the 9 am mass at Our Lady of Fatima in Breen Hall.  Breakfast, coffee and juice will be provided.  All men of the parish are invited to join in.
January 3, 2017

Martha & Mary Meeting – January 8th

The Martha & Mary Network will meet on Sunday, January 8th in Breen the Lower Meeting Room at 10 a.m. following the 9 a.m. mass at Our Lady of Fatima.  All ladies of the parish are invited to attend.
December 30, 2016

Letter From the Pastor – January 1, 2017

Some say that people today are losing, or perhaps have already lost, a capacity to be deeply moved by human suffering.  The kind of world we live in inevitably has a numbing effect on the human spirit.  One hour with a newspaper or thirty minutes in front of the television exposes one to an overwhelming amount of tragedy.  Day in and day out, we are served a steady diet of war, murder, terrorism, kidnapping, rape, robbery, and torture.  The more we see of man’s inhumanity to man, the less we seem to be shocked by it. Then we come to […]
December 26, 2016

New Year’s Eve/Day Mass Schedule

New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31: 5 p.m. – Annunciation 5:30 p.m. – Our Lady of Fatima New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1: 8 a.m. – Annunciation 9 a.m. – Our Lady of Fatima 10 a.m. – Annunciation 11 a.m. – Our Lady of Fatima 12 p.m. – Annunciation There is NO 5 pm mass