September 27, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

I dare say some of us know, or have known, what is to wear used clothes, to buy used books, and to drive used cars. And the truth of the matter is that it’s really not a bad way to live. If it’s handled right, there’s a touch of class to it. Perhaps you have noticed that people who grow up in large families, wearing hand-me down clothes, almost always end up bragging about it. Secondhand living isn’t all bad, in fact, it can be quite good. But there are some things in life that ought not be secondhand, they […]
September 27, 2016

Sunday , September 18, 2016

As you know, the New Testament is a collection of twenty-seven different writings. It contains biography, history, theology, philosophy, ethics, poetry, prophesy, and even some   economics. But first and foremost, it is God’s love letter to His children. The ministry of Jesus from start to finish was a revolutionary movement of love. He   simply started loving people that heretofore had either been ignored or despised. Everything He said and did challenged the existing concepts of God. And if we take Jesus seriously, His revelation of God will be as radical today as it was in the first century. We will […]
September 27, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

I dare say some of us know, or have known, what is to wear used clothes, to buy used books, and to drive used cars. And the truth of the matter is that it’s really not a bad way to live. If it’s handled right, there’s a touch of class to it. Perhaps you have noticed that people who grow up in large families, wearing hand-me down clothes, almost always end up bragging about it. Secondhand living isn’t all bad, in fact, it can be quite good. But there are some things in life that ought not be secondhand, they […]
September 27, 2016

September 18, 2016

As you know, the New Testament is a collection of twenty-seven different writings. It contains biography, history, theology, philosophy, ethics, poetry, prophesy, and even some economics. But first and foremost, it is God’s love letter to His children. The ministry of Jesus from start to finish was a revolutionary movement of love. He   simply started loving people that heretofore had either been ignored or despised. Everything He said and did challenged the existing concepts of God. And if we take Jesus seriously, His revelation of God will be as radical today as it was in the first century. We will have […]
September 27, 2016

Holy Name Society Meeting Sunday, 10/2/16 at 10AM Lower Meeting Room

All men of the parish are invited to attend the Holy Name Society’s meeting…we hope to see you there!!