April 1, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – April 5, 2020

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week 2020.  This week started with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ended with his tragic death on Calvary.  In a sense, it is very strange that this week should be called holy.  As we walked through it, unfolding before our eyes was a scene of deception and dishonor, betrayal and denial, political expedience and religious corruption, all of which culminated in the greatest crime of history.  Judged by the scenery, this could easily be called Hell Week.  But the strength and courage of one man took those seven days of shame […]
March 27, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – March 29, 2019

                During this present crisis we pray that all of you and your family stay safe and healthy.  And yet, we are reminded that each reported case of the Corona virus has behind it a person, a family, a community.  We as a church, are called to be in prayer for those affected, those caring for the sick, and those valiantly trying to diagnose and treat patients.  As members of the parish of Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima, we offer our prayers for healing and support for all affected.           […]
March 24, 2020

Palm Sunday Update

March 20, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – March 22, 2020

Many thousands of people, caught in the grasp of some personal tragedy, have said, or least thought: “If God will do so, He can cure me.”  When trouble comes and human solutions fail, most of us think of God.  And our first reaction is the same as that of many people – if God were so inclined, He could solve this problem and set things right. But we are well aware that most personal tragedies do not turn out with a happy ending.  I have known, and so have others, that many people prayed for a deliverance that never came.  […]
March 15, 2020

Parish Outreach

As we adapt to our changing world, we would like to reassure all our parishioners that we are available to help connect you to resources that you may need.  Although the Rectory office is now closed, we will be checking our e-mail regularly.  Please contact us at anna.caruso@annunciation-fatima.com if you would like us to reach out to anyone you know who could use assistance – be it a trip to the grocery store, advice on seeking medical help, or just a supportive phone call – and we will do our best to connect you to others who can help.  The […]