February 20, 2023

Thank You Adult Volunteer Reception – March 25, 2023

February 15, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – February 19, 2023

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and we begin the season of Lent.  It is a time for all of us to stop and to reflect and remember   Do you remember those days when you dreamed beautiful dreams?  You were thinking about the wonderful life that was waiting for your over there in the future.  Dreaming is a vital part of living.  Think how impoverished our world would be without dreamers.  Every great human accomplishment is nothing more than a dream come true.  The electric light was once a dream in the mind of Thomas Edison.  The Fifth Symphony was once a […]
February 9, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – February 12, 2023

Do you know that a sickness of the soul, no less than a sickness of the body, can become a chronic condition?  Look, for a moment, at your own life and tell me if it isn’t true.  Could you put your finger on an unhealthy spiritual condition that has remained unimproved year after year?  It doesn’t take an  expert to analyze this kind of problem; all it takes is honesty. Were you touchy, overly sensitive and difficult to live with years ago?  Look at that area of your life today.  Has anything changed?  Has the condition improved at all?  Or […]
February 2, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – February 5, 2023

As the Scriptures tell us, on the night before He died, Jesus was deeply concerned about His disciples’ relationship with the world.  As far as physical presence was concerned, He Himself, would soon be leaving this world behind.   But His followers would still be here; having to deal with the same world that had hated and crucified Him.  After they had seen what the world did to Him, what would it do to them? How would they react?  Perhaps they would try to run away and hide, or they might be tempted to blend in with the world.  Either way […]
January 26, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – January 29, 2023

Several years ago, there was a story in the news about a family in a small town in Florida.  It consisted of a father, a mother, and two young sons.  They were normal family, except for one problem.  Both boys had AIDS.  Both boys contracted the virus through a blood transfusion.  Their presence in the public school was bitterly resisted by other parents, whose children attended that same school.  One night, under suspicious circumstances, the family’s house burned to the ground.  Finally, they were forced to move to another town.  They had been  rejected by their own community. Some people […]