June 1, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – June 4, 2017

The month of June, as we know, is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Today, I ask the question:  What does it mean to love God?     For the most part, many are inclined to think of love as a fond feeling of warmth and  affection.  We sing about it; we read about it; we watch it in movies and on TV.   Love is a deep feeling that one person has for another.  And quite clearly, not even God can demand that.  How can we command the human heart to feel a certain way?  So if we are […]
May 26, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – May 28, 2017

One of the most fascinating things about the New Testament is the amazing faith that Jesus had in all sorts of people.  Follow Jesus through the years of His ministry, and you will see that same attitude reflected toward all sorts of people – a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, a dishonest tax collector named Zacchaeus, and a Samaritan woman who had failed in marriage five times.  And one of the last things He did, just before He died, was express His confidence in a condemned felon, who was dying on the cross right next […]
May 21, 2017

2017 Penny Social – June 2

Join us for the 20th Annual Penny Social which is being held on Friday, June 2nd, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima’s Breen Hall at 5 Strathmore Road in Scarsdale.  It will be an exciting evening filled with fun, food and friends as well as hundreds of amazing raffle prizes!   The price is $35 in advance and $40 at the door (price includes sandwiches, salad, beverages, coffee/tea and cookies).  Please RSVP by May 26th, 2017 to the Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Rectory at 470 Westchester Avenue, Crestwood, NY 10707.  
May 21, 2017

Expectant Family Mass – June 3

Are you expecting a new bundle of joy?  Please join us at the 5:30 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church on June 3rd to celebrate the addition to your family!  All expectant parents and their families are welcome!
May 19, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – May 21, 2017

Religious faith brings out all sorts of qualities in the lives of the people whom it touches.  It lays hands on some, making them generous, kind and loving.  It takes hold of others and makes them cold, harsh and cruel.  St. Francis of Assisi was motivated by religious faith to renounce a   personal fortune and lead a life of selfless devotion in service to the poor.  Many terrorists today are motivated by religious faith to lead lives of brutal persecution that results in the execution of hundreds and the imprisonment or displacement of thousands more.  Religious faith, strange to say, […]