May 13, 2019

B & N Book Fair – June 15

Barnes & Noble in Yonkers will be sponsoring a Book Fair from 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday, June 15th.  Purchase summer reading books, Father’s Day gifts, raffle tickets and more!  All purchases will benefit Annunciation School and our students will be gift wrapping your purchases and performing a concert for your enjoyment!  Please make every effort to stop by and support our school!
May 10, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – May 12, 2019

          In 2015, at the Synod on the Family, Rick Warren summarized the present condition of our 21st century this way:           “In today’s society, materialism is idolized; immorality is glamorized; truth is minimized; sin is normalized; divorce is rationalized; abortion is legalized. In T.V. and movies, crime is legitimized; drug use is minimized; comedy is vulgarized; and sex is trivialized. Again, in movies, the Bible is fictionalized; churches are satirized; God is marginalized; and Christians are demonized. The elderly are dehumanized; the sick are euthanized; the poor are victimized; the mentally […]
May 3, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – May 5, 2019

              It is a commonly known fact that people in the ancient world believed there were many gods.  In early biblical history, each nation was thought to have its own god, whom they worshipped and upon whom they depended for the necessities of life.                This ancient theology is generally thought to be obsolete.  In our modern, more enlightened age, we now believe in only one God, who is creator and sustainer of all things.  But whether or not that conclusion is true depends upon how we are using the word, God.  If we […]
April 26, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – April 28, 2019

            If you were asked to sum up your life to this moment in one brief statement of twenty-five words or less, how would you do it?  What would you say?              Think about that for a moment.  You have been living now for fifteen years, fifty years, or however long it’s been.  Those years have contained a combination of good and bad, success and failure, fulfillment and disappointment.  Now you want to summarize them in one brief statement.  How would you go about doing that?         […]
April 22, 2019

Men’s Club Mixer – April 27