July 14, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – July 9, 2017

Dear Parents, Guardians and Parishioners:               The children who attend our parish school and our parish religious education program are most  precious not only to you but to all of us in the Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima community.  We strive to work together in order to better meet their needs and prepare them well for the future.  As a result, family and community involvement is a high priority for us.               Our wonderful parish of Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima continues to combine the efforts of all our parishioners–clergy, professed and lay–to assist one another in proclaiming the teachings and   value […]
July 14, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – July 2, 2017

The earthquake which devastated Mexico City a few years ago had saddened the hearts of many with scenes and stories of human suffering.  But ironically, this unbelievable tragedy had periodically gladdened the hearts of everyone with stories of heroism and hope.  One such event was the rescue of two little babies, a boy and a girl.  Both were buried for several days in the rubble of the hospital where they were born.  Rescuers were surprised to find them, not only alive, but in remarkably good condition and crying at the tops of their voices.  A physician interviewed at the scene […]
June 26, 2017

Parish Calendar Deadline – July 29

Are you the head of one of our Parish Organizations?  Please submit dates for your meetings and upcoming events for inclusion in our Sept. 2017 – Aug. 2018 Parish calendar by July 29th!  Requests can be dropped off at the Rectory or e-mailed to dede.larock@annunciation-fatima.com.  Feel free to call the Rectory with any questions at 779-7345
June 26, 2017

Jordan Conference – August 4

The next Jordan Conference will be held on Friday, August 4th at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Room.
June 23, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – June 25, 2017

It often appears to me that the church in the latter part of the twentieth century, and now  in the   beginning of the twenty-first century, has a golden opportunity to make the gospel of Jesus real and relevant to a world that is weary of wars, weary of emptiness, and increasingly weary of moral degradation.  It is time to make all things new.  It is a time when we should prepare ourselves to be the church at its best.  We must remind ourselves that the world is most ready now for the message of God’s love, delivered by people like […]