October 19, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – October 22, 2023

             All of us know what it means to have experiences of illumination and insight.  We have had those experiences when even for a moment, vision cleared, doubt and cynicism fled, and faith seemed the most real and reasonable thing in all the world.             We all have those days when we need to remember the mountaintop moments of life.  Pessimism seems to be the prevailing mood of the time.  There is a general distrust of the political system.  There is doubt and uneasiness concerning the economy.  There is growing skepticism concerning the ability of […]
October 12, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – October 15, 2023

Dear Parents, Guardians and Parishioners: The children who attend our parish school and our parish religious education program are most precious not only to you but to all of us in the Annunciation-Our  Lady of Fatima community.  We strive to work together in order to better meet their needs and prepare them well for the future.  As a result, family and community involvement is a high priority for us. Our wonderful parish of Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima continues to combine the efforts of all our  parishioners–clergy, professed and lay–to assist one another in proclaiming the teachings and value system of […]
October 4, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – October 8, 2023

What position should a Christian take toward the world in which he lives?  Should he reject it and withdraw?  Should he try to transform it into a Christian culture?  Should he embrace it?  This is a lasting issue for Christians because every Christian must relate his or her faith to his or her surroundings.  In one way or other, this question of Christianity and the world in which we live has been tackled by Christians in every generation.  Deciding how to apply the Lord’s teaching to be in the world and yet not of the world, is difficult.  But each […]
October 1, 2023

Lessons and Carols – December 3, 2023

September 28, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – October 1, 2023

                 Temptation is often deceptively subtle.  There is a diabolical thing about evil.  It can seem so reasonable, so necessary, even so beautiful.  Some years ago a popular song had a line in it which said, “It can’t be wrong when it seems so right.”  Well, I hate to disappoint some people; but wrong always has a way of appearing right to those who want to do it.                 Evil does not present itself in the form of some grotesque creature with horns, hooves, and a pitchfork.  Temptation will come to us often […]