June 16, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – June 18, 2017

I suppose there are times when everyone longs to recapture the carefree innocence and joy of childhood.  We wish that for just one day we could shake off the burdensome responsibilities of adult life and put our feet under Dad’s table once more.  Admittedly, this emotion carries with it  an element of escapism, but it is not necessarily all bad. There are, of course, some characteristics of childhood that we should outgrow and leave behind forever.  Such childish traits as impatience and a total self-centeredness have no place in adult life.  But there are certain basic elements of childhood that […]
June 9, 2017

Letter From the Pastor – June 11, 2017

All of us are familiar with the Ten Commandments.  We have heard about them all of our lives.  Many of us could recite most of them from memory.  They are the moral and ethical foundation upon which our society is based.  Without them, it would be impossible for people to live together in peace and harmony.  But there is another set of laws that are even more basic than the Ten Commandments.  We could call these the “Twin Commandments”.  They, too, are found in the gospels. The first is a quotation from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament:  […]
June 6, 2017

Monsignor James R. Moore’s Golden Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood Celebrated

Monsignor Moore’s Golden Anniversary of his Ordination  A mass of thanksgiving celebrating Monsignor Moore’s Golden Anniversary of his Ordination to the priesthood was celebrated on May 21, 2017 at the Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish. Parishioners, family and friends welcomed Monsignor Moore back to Annunciation – Our Lady of Fatima, where he was the pastor for more than 13 years, and shared in the special mass of thanksgiving and reception afterwards.   Monsignor James R. Moore grew up in Our Lady of Refuge Parish in the Bronx, attended All Hallows High School and Iona College, completed his priestly formation at St. Joseph’s Seminary, and […]
June 4, 2017

Tag Sale Drop Off – all week

Please drop off your donations for the upcoming Tag Sale!  Breen Hall will be open every night this week (6/19 – 23) from 7 – 10 p.m.  We need everything from toys, books and clothing to jewelry, electronics and furniture –  the more the better!  What a great way to clean out your home and repurpose your treasures!  Thank you for your generosity. 
June 4, 2017

Tag Sale – June 24 & 25

The Annual Tag Sale will be held on Saturday, June 24th from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and on Sunday, June 25th from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. in Breen Hall.  Please come join us to find treasures at great prices! (Tag Sale drop-off will be held the week prior, from June 19th – 23rd, 7 – 10 p.m. in Breen Hall.)