September 1, 2020

Reconciliation Monday – Dec. 21

August 28, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – August 30, 2020

Do you know that a sickness of the soul, no less than a sickness of the body, can become a chronic condition?  Look for a moment into your own life and tell me if this isn’t true.  Could you not put your finger on an unhealthy spiritual condition that has remained unimproved year after year?  It doesn’t take an expert to analyze this kind of problem; all it takes is honesty. Were you touchy, overly sensitive and difficult to live with years ago?  Look at that area of your life today.  Has anything changed?  Has the condition improved at all?  […]
August 21, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – August 23, 2020

In the middle years of the nineteenth century, a clergyman named Charles Kingsley was the personal chaplain to Queen Victoria of England.  He was a man whom she greatly admired.  The story is told that one day she asked him the secret of his beautiful life.  To which he replied, “I had a friend.” Most of us would not think of describing our own lives as beautiful.  And we would probably be embarrassed if someone else should do so.  But we would doubtless agree with him that whatever beauty there is within us is largely attributable to our friends.  People […]
August 13, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – August 16, 2020

                There is something about our human nature that finds it difficult to believe in the good.  We seem to find it fairly easy to believe in the bad.  But the kind of faith that looks to the future with an expectation of good is rare indeed.                 This tendency is reflected in our speech.  We describe some things as “too good to be true.”  But how often have you heard something described as “too bad to be true?”  That is not how we think.  For many, the bad is readily believable, but […]
August 7, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – August 9, 2020

          It seems to me that our church, in the 21st century, has a golden opportunity to make the gospel real and relevant to a world that is weary of wars, terrorism, bondage, weary of emptiness, and increasingly weary of moral degradation. It is a time when we should prepare ourselves to be the church at its best. We must remind ourselves that the world is ready now for the message of God’s love, delivered by people like ourselves who demonstrate that loyalty in their own lives.           A large part of […]