Letter from the Pastor

June 29, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – July 2, 2023

Some say that people today are losing, or perhaps have already lost, a capacity to be deeply moved by human suffering.  The kind of world we live in inevitably has a numbing effect on the human spirit.  One hour with a newspaper or thirty minutes in front of the television exposes one to an overwhelming amount of tragedy.  Day in and day out, we are served a steady diet of war, murder, terrorism, kidnapping, rape, robbery, and torture.  The more we see of man’s inhumanity to man, the less we seem to be shocked by it. Then we come to […]
June 21, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – June 25, 2023

Catholics Invited to Pray an Act of Reparation on Solemnity of the Sacred Heart  (June 12, 2023)   Washington – On June 16, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty joined by Archbishop Jose` H. Gomez of Los Angeles, have called on Catholics to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart, and make an act of […]
June 15, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – June 18, 2023

One of the most heated debates these days concerns the use of the death  penalty.  One side is for it; the other side is against it.  One says it is moral; the other says it is immoral.  One says it serves as an effective deterrent to crime; the other says it does not.  And even among those who favor its use, there are areas of discussion and disagreement.  To what crimes should it apply?  What should be the age limit?  What method should be used? The debate goes on.  The questions are many.  The answers are few. As we all […]
June 8, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – June 11, 2023

I received this article a few years ago and I thought it was worthwhile passing it on to you once again! “Did you see where Bill Graham’s daughter was being interviewed on the Early Show a few days ago about September 11th terrorist attack, and Jane Clayson asked her “How could God let something like this happen?” Ann Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response, “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of government and to get […]
June 1, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – June 4, 2023

This month of June is a perfect month to foster and perhaps re-establish our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus since we will celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart soon.  The words spoken to St. Margaret Mary are so well directed to our own times, “Behold this heart which has loved you so much and which received in return for the most part, only ingratitude, contempt, irreverence and sacrilege.”  I believe that the greatest loss of our day is the loss of a personal relationship with the Lord and following from that loss of a personal devotion to […]