Letter from the Pastor

July 27, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – July 29, 2018

Do you know how magnificent a sacrament the Eucharist is?  It ought to be looked at as a jewel that reflects light from its different facets.  The Eucharist is a covenant between ourselves and God, a remembrance, a thanksgiving, a Real Presence of Jesus among us, a  mystery of faith, and a spiritual food for our journey of life. In addition to all this, there is another facet of the Eucharist which we need to rediscover.  The Eucharist is a sacrament given to us by Jesus for our healing. More than ever, people today – you and me – want […]
July 20, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – July 22, 2018

We can become sensitive to God’s presence, alert to the ways He reveals Himself in the daily occurrences of our life.  Often, the problem is that we simply don’t know what to look for or we don’t take the time in our hurried lives to be aware of His presence.  It’s like going out to a forest in the dead of winter.  All we can see are bare limbs of trees, a blanket of snow, withered flowers.  There doesn’t seem to be much life around.  Yet all the life of a forest in the fullness of summer is still there […]
July 13, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – July 15, 2018

 It is a commonly known fact that people of the ancient world believed there were many gods.  In the early biblical history, each nation was thought to have its own deity whom they worshiped and upon whom they depended for the necessities of life.  Later, in the times of the Greek and Roman empires, people believed in gods who overreached national boundaries but had limited categories of concern and responsibility.  For example, there was Apollo, god of the sun; Bacchus, god of wine; Minerva, goddess of wisdom; and Venus, goddess of love and beauty. This ancient theology is generally thought […]
July 6, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – July 8, 2018

          I read an article recently in a religious newspaper. It told of a famous Japanese artist who had contacted Christian missionaries to inquire about a ticket to heaven. He was a very old man who knew that death could not be far away. He had heard that Jesus had tickets to heaven, and he wanted to purchase one.           Some of us would laugh at the old man for wanting to purchase a ticket to heaven. But none of us would laugh at him for wanting to go to heaven. We […]
June 29, 2018

Letter from the Pastor – July 1, 2018

          This weekend will be the 4th of July, a date of historical significance because it marks the birth of our nation. It was on that day in 1776 that representatives of the thirteen colonies signed a document declaring themselves to be a free and independent nation. Most of us are familiar with the contents of that document. We, of course, know it as “The Declaration of Independence”. In clear and concise language, it avows that the colonies are no longer connected with or controlled by the British Empire.            That part […]