Letter from the Pastor

November 12, 2016

Letter From the Pastor – November 13, 2016

In one of our gospels, Jesus is quoted as saying, “On this rock I will build my Church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it.” When Jesus made that statement, the Church was just beginning. It was very small and seemingly insignificant. But now it reaches around the world and plays a vital role in the lives of millions of people. Enemies have tried and sill try to stop it, but they have failed. Despite opposition from without and weaknesses from within, the Church has lived and flourished across the centuries. The words of Jesus have come […]
November 4, 2016

Letter From the Pastor – November 6th

Last week I wrote to you that it is certainly appropriate for we Catholics to vote as Catholics.  But this still leaves a number of difficult questions for us to consider.  It is one thing to say that we will let the principles of our Christian faith be our guide.  It is quite another thing to apply those principles to real political choices now. Simply stated, the Gospel of Jesus is universal. Its principles apply equally to all people, in all places, at all times, in all cultures and under all forms of government.  The Gospel holds true in    tribal […]
October 28, 2016

Letter From the Pastor – October 30, 2016

As election day draws near, I once again reprint this article I wrote some time ago.  Please think seriously about what it is placing for your consideration. Today I raise an important question: Is it proper for a Christian to vote precisely as a Christian?  That is, to make political choices based primarily on Christian values and principles? I would answer yes. Emphatically Yes!! We, Catholics, have let the secular society in which we live give us a kind of inferiority    complex. We, too often, speak and act as if the biblical understanding of man and woman and  human […]
October 21, 2016

Letter From the Pastor – October 23, 2016

October 14, 2016

Pastor’s Letter – October 16, 2016

Part one of a two part article replacing the Pastor’s Letter.