Letter from the Pastor

April 13, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – April 16, 2023

I dare say some of us know, or have known, what is to wear used clothes, to buy used books, and to drive used cars.  And the truth of the matter is that it’s really not a bad way to live.  If it is handled right, there’s a touch of class to it.  Perhaps you have noticed that people who grow up in large families, wearing hand-me down clothes, almost always end up bragging about it.  Secondhand living isn’t all bad. In fact, it can be quite good. But there are some things in life that ought not be secondhand.  […]
April 6, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – April 9, 2023

Today is Easter Sunday.  It is a day in which the message of Easter tells us:  Don’t give up; don’t quit; don’t throw in the towel.  This life is not all that there is.  Stay tuned.  There is much more to come. You and I need that message, probably more than we know.  I suspect that this is the reason more people return to the Church on Easter than any other day of the year.  Somehow, we know that human life cannot find its total expression within the limits of time.  Everything here, everything around us and within us cries […]
March 30, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – April 2, 2023

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week 2023. It starts with the   triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ends with the tragic death on Calvary.  In a sense, it is very strange that this week should be called “holy”.  As we walk through it – and I hope we all will – unfolding before our eyes will be a scene of     deception and dishonor, betrayal and denial, political expedience and religious corruption, all of which culminates in the greatest crime of all history – the death of God’s Son.  Judged by the scenery, this could easily be called anything […]
March 23, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – March 26, 2023

Most of us have experienced various kinds of encounters with God.  We have seen Him, for example, in the world of nature.  We have felt His presence under the breathtaking beauty of a starlit night.  We have almost read His signature in the lower righthand corner of a sunset.  We have heard His voice in the wind as it gently rustles the leaves of a tree. We have also met Him inside of our own hearts and minds.  We have felt His comforting presence in times of sorrow and His troubling presence in times of sin.  His image is indelibly […]
March 16, 2023

Letter From the Pastor – March 19, 2023

The accounts that we have of Jesus’ life make it abundantly clear that Jesus was a man of prayer.  The first thing he did after His baptism was pray.  The last thing that he did before His death was pray.  And in between, there are so many references to His personal prayer life.  For example, the gospel tells us that rising early in the morning, Jesus went off into a lonely place in the desert; there He was absorbed in prayer.”  The context in which that statement is made clearly indicates that Jesus did not use prayers as a substitute […]