Letter from the Pastor

August 13, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – August 15, 2021

                Someone has said that one good way to measure the size of a person is by observing the size of the things that make him or her mad. A good question to ask ourselves is: “What makes us angry?” Think about the things that made you mad this past week. What were they? A car that cut into your lane? A rude clerk in a department store? Having to stand in line a little longer than you thought necessary? A phone call that interrupted your evening meal; and that from someone trying […]
August 5, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – August 8, 2021

                 If you were asked to sum up your life to this moment in one brief statement of twenty-five words or less, how would you do it?  What would you say?                 Think about that for a moment.  You have been living now for fifteen years, fifty years, or however long it’s been.  Those years have contained a combination of good and bad, success and failure, fulfillment and disappointment.  Now you want to summarize them in one brief statement.  How would you go about doing that?                 Admittedly, it would not be easy […]
July 30, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – August 1, 2021

You and I are living in a forward-looking time.  Adventure and progress are the themes of the day.  Individuals and groups are breaking out of old forms and moving ahead into what they hope will be a bright new day. Though we are sometimes frightened by this rapid change, we dare not sit in total condemnation of it.  A lot of things needed to be changed for a long time.  But in days such as these, we should also recognize that there is a danger of throwing overboard some valuable cargo that ought to be kept.  So, in the midst […]
July 23, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – July 25, 2021

          In 1806 William Wordsworth looked at his own life and the lives of his contemporaries and wrote these lines of poetry: “The world is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.”           If that was an accurate description of life in the early part of the nineteenth century, how much more does it describe our lives in the early part of the twenty-first century.  Don’t you agree that it can truthfully be said of you and me, “the world is too much with […]
July 16, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – July 18, 2021

          St. Augustine once said, “Dig deep enough in any person, and you will find something divine.”  That is a perfect description of the working method of Jesus.  Put Him one-on-one with any person, and He would dig until He found that something divine.  Then He would seek to draw out that quality and make it the dominant theme of that person’s life.            He did this with the woman who was caught in adultery.  He saw something inside of her, deeper than her sinfulness.  And He made His appeal to that.  […]