Letter from the Pastor

June 20, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 19, 2019

     Have you ever noticed that prayer can appear to be a simple exercise for some people?  Not so for others.  Many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to pray.  Even those who have come to church for years may pray only rarely.  Often they have no sense of a personal participation or little awareness of the presence of God.      Most Catholics would like to learn to pray more effectively.  They believe that God welcomes their prayer.  How does one talk to God?  Will my words be acceptable?  Do I sound like others I have heard […]
June 14, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 16, 2019

                Do you know how magnificent a sacrament the Eucharist is?  It ought to be looked at as a jewel that reflects light from its different facets.  The Eucharist is a covenant between ourselves and God, a remembrance, a thanksgiving, a Real Presence of Jesus among us, a mystery of faith, and a spiritual food for our journey of life.                  In addition to all this, there is another facet of the Eucharist which we need to rediscover.  The Eucharist is a sacrament given to us by Jesus for our healing.                 More […]
June 7, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 9, 2019

Fear is one of the most powerful of all human emotions.  We are born with it.  A little baby must learn to laugh for joy.  But from the moment of birth he or she can weep for fear.  This seems to suggest that the capacity to be afraid is part of our natural God-given instinct.  And if that is the case, our challenge is not to get rid of it, but to learn how to deal with it.  Let us take a look at the animal kingdom.  Not one of them is without fear.  And all of them seem to […]
May 30, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 2, 2019

In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle St. Paul talked about a personal problem, which he  describes as a “thorn in the flesh.”  No one knows exactly what that was.  It is generally assumed that St. Paul was suffering from some sort of physical malady.  But the only thing we know for sure is that St. Paul had some sort of personal limitation, which he prayed to be rid of, but to no avail; and finally, he had to settle down and learn to live with it.  I think that that should strike a responsive chord in the heart […]
May 24, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – May 26, 2019

          A study of the history of war offers little encouragement to a world that is hungry for peace. In ancient times wars were fought on a small scale between village and village. Then it became tribe against tribe and province against province. Later the combatants were nations, then coalitions of nations. Until today it seems that virtually one half of the world is lined up against the other half.           A similar development can be traced in the weapons that are used to wage war. At first people fought each other with clubs and rocks, […]