Letter from the Pastor

July 10, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – July 14, 2019

           When Dwight Eisenhower was President of the United States, he was quoted as saying, “the   people of the world want peace so much that that one these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.”  Here we are many years later and still the saying of President Eisenhower rings true.             If we could take a survey of the nations of the world, I am sure we would discover that one of the deepest desires of all people is to live in peace.  At […]
July 2, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – July 7, 2019

                 Some people ask why is prayer necessary at all?  God knows what we need; why tell Him?  He wants the best for every one of us; why should we request anything?                  Well, there are some things that God cannot give us.  We must keep in mind that Christian prayer does not mean persuading God to give us what we want.  That is pagan prayer.  Christian prayer means putting ourselves in the position where God can give us what He wants to have.  Giving, in this sense, is not a simple, one-sided […]
June 27, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 30, 2019

            Thursday of this week is the 4th of July, a date of historical significance because it marks the birth of our nation. It was on that day in 1776 that representatives of the thirteen colonies signed a document declaring themselves to be a free and independent nation. Most of us are familiar with the contents of that document. We, of course, know it as “The Declaration of Independence.” In clear and concise language, it avows that the colonies are no longer connected with or controlled by the British Empire.           […]
June 21, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 23, 2019

Have you ever noticed that prayer can appear to be a simple exercise for some people?  Not so for others.  Many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to pray.  Even those who have come to church for years may pray only rarely.  Often they have no sense of a personal participation or little awareness of the presence of God. Most Catholics would like to learn to pray more effectively.  They believe that God welcomes their prayer.  How does one talk to God?  Will my words be acceptable?  Do I sound like others I have heard pray? Prayer is not […]
June 20, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – June 19, 2019

     Have you ever noticed that prayer can appear to be a simple exercise for some people?  Not so for others.  Many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to pray.  Even those who have come to church for years may pray only rarely.  Often they have no sense of a personal participation or little awareness of the presence of God.      Most Catholics would like to learn to pray more effectively.  They believe that God welcomes their prayer.  How does one talk to God?  Will my words be acceptable?  Do I sound like others I have heard […]