Letter from the Pastor

October 20, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – October 23, 2022

Once again I raise, once more, a very important question: Is it proper for a Christian to vote precisely as a Christian?  That is, to make political choices based primarily on Christian values and principles?  I would answer yes.  Emphatically Yes!   We Catholics, have let the secular society in which we live give us a kind of inferiority complex. We, too often, speak and act as if the biblical understanding of man and woman and human society were in some way inferior, or as if it were  somehow unfair for us to advance our Catholic views and values in […]
October 13, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – October 16, 2022

Can you remember a time when you were touchy and perhaps even difficult to live with a few years ago? Look at that area of your life today.  Has anything changed?  Is the condition at all improved? Did you perhaps resent an injury done to you in the past? Are you still harboring that same old grudge today?  A dozen years ago did you have a bad temper that inflicted unhappiness to family and/or friends? How about now? Is that temper under any better control today? The sad thing is that we can tolerated conditions like that year after year.  […]
October 5, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – October 9, 2022

During the severe cold of last winter, a reporter, who writes a syndicated column that appears in many of the major newspapers, told a story that deals with a problem that subtlety confronts, many people.  It was about a man whose car got stuck on the ice while he was on his way home from work.  The man was white, and the community in which he was stranded was predominantly black.  It was after dark, and the man was frightened.  To make matters worse, he ran down his battery.  There was no service station in sight.  He knocked timidly on […]
September 30, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – October 2, 2022

          Of the many games that children play, there are a few old standards that abide from generation to generation.  One of these is hide-and-seek.  Most adults have played it, and I would guess that your children still do.           There are several reasons, I think, for the enduring popularity of hide-and-seek.  One is that it doesn’t cost any money.  You don’t have to buy it; you just play it.  Another is that it doesn’t require any athletic skills.  Everyone can participate, and boys and girls can play it together.  But I […]
September 23, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – September 25, 2022

                Our Catholic Church canonizes saints largely because successful models of Christian living are most helpful to us as we try to be better Catholics.  Saints are given to us not so much for our admiration as for our imitation.                 During the month of October, the church honors many saints.  St. Theresa of the Child Jesus was called by Pope Pius X “the greatest saint of modern times.”  She was born Marie-Francoise Therese Martin on January 2, 1873.  She was the last child of two devout and loving parents.  At the age […]