Letter from the Pastor

March 2, 2018

No Letter From the Pastor – March 3, 2018

Due to parish financials being published in this week’s bulletin, there will be no Letter From the Pastor.
February 16, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – February 18, 2018

            Does it appear to you that all of us are embroiled in that ongoing conflict between the old and the new?  Sometimes it seems that nothing ever stays the same.  Everything around us is in a constant state of transition.  The world is changing; our community changes; our home changes; the Church changes; even we, ourselves, change.  If you don’t believe that, well, go dig out an old high school or college picture.  Take a look at yourself then and compare it with the way you look now.             Change is a fact of […]
February 9, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – February 11, 2018

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we begin the season of Lent.  It is a time for all of us to stop and to reflect and remember   Do you remember those days when you dreamed beautiful dreams?  You were thinking about the wonderful life that was waiting for your over there in the future.  Dreaming is a vital part of living.  Think how impoverished our world would be without dreamers.  Every great human accomplishment is nothing more than a dream come true.  The electric light was once a dream in the mind of Thomas Edison.  The Fifth Symphony was once a […]
February 2, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – February 4, 2018

Do you remember, from your childhood days, the neighborhood football game when everyone wanted to play quarterback?  Sometimes you’d stand around and argue and take forever getting started.  Usually the way it was resolved was that the one who owned the ball got to call the plays.  But finally, everyone had to agree to play a different position, otherwise you could not even have a game! Then, if you stayed with the sport and gave yourself a little time to grow up, you discovered that it can be just as much fun to throw a good block as it is […]
January 26, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – January 28, 2018

                  During His earthly ministry, Jesus repeatedly confronted people with a challenge to come follow Him.  And some of His first disciples did that in a very literal sense.  They quit their jobs, they left their homes, and they followed Jesus where He went.  Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen.  They left their boats and nets and went after Jesus.  Matthew was a tax collector.  He walked out of his office, closed the door behind him, and went after Jesus.                  But what about you and me?  Does the call to […]