Letter from the Pastor

April 22, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – April 24, 2022

                If we were to think back to those first followers of Jesus, we do so in terms of strength and stability.  We remember them as men who went out to meet life and lived it with great enthusiasm.  They faced persecution with dignity, met danger with courage, and handled problems with unwavering confidence.  In short, they were the kind of persons we all would like to be.  And that image of them is for the most part accurate.  However, we need to remember that they were not that way all of their […]
April 14, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – April 17, 2022

This is a very special day of the year.  It is Easter Sunday.  It is a day that has come to mean many things to many people.  In some parts of the country, it is the unofficial beginning of Spring.  There may still be some chill in the air, but the vernal equinox is past.  The days grow longer and the nights shorter.  The thermometer shows an erratic yet steady climb, and once more winter has lost its seasonal struggle with the sun.  Then again, many people think of Easter as a sort of style show.  It’s a day when […]
April 8, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – April 10, 2022

                 Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week 2022.  Most of us have stood at this place many times before.  We know from memory the names of the people who played a part in the suffering and death of Jesus.  Through their association with that tragic event, some of them have become famous and some infamous.  But for a moment let us focus our attention on one of the lesser-known personalities of Holy Week.                 His name was Simon of Cyrene.  The only thing we know for sure about him is […]
April 1, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – April 3, 2022

In the early years of the nineteenth century Napoleon Bonaparte was the emperor of France and the architect of a vast empire.  With military might and genius, he conquered all of Europe, and had dreams of ruling the world.  But that was not to be.  On June 18, 1815, Napoleon was totally and finally defeated.  His army was conquered by British forces under the command of the Duke of Wellington.  That battle is one of the most famous in history.  Everyone knows about the Battle of Waterloo. Less well-known is the truth that Napoleon’s downfall began three years earlier.  In […]
March 25, 2022

Letter From the Pastor – March 27, 2022

                Have you ever noticed that prayer appears to be a simple exercise for some people? Not so for others. Many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to pray. Even those who have come to church for years may pray only rarely. Often they have no sense of a personal participation or little awareness of the presence of God.                 Most Christians would like to learn to pray more effectively.  They believe that God welcomes their prayer.  How does one talk to God?  Will my words be acceptable?  Do I sound like […]