Letter from the Pastor

January 15, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – January 17, 2021

                What position should a Christian take toward the world in which he lives?  Should he reject it and withdraw?  Should he try to transform it into a Christian culture?  Should he embrace it?  This is a lasting issue for Christians because every Christian must relate his or her faith to his or her surroundings.  In one way or other, this question of Christianity and the world in which we live has been tackled by Christians in every generation.  Deciding how to apply the Lord’s teaching to be in the world and yet […]
January 8, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – January 10, 2021

From the beginning of time, the devil has tried to mislead us.  He often   succeeded.  Adam is the best example, but he seems to be particularly successful in our day and age.  Our permissive age and our consumer society seem to have given into the temptation that it is by bread alone that a human being lives – bread signifying food, pleasure and all that is material.  Many seem to believe that economic well-being is all that matters.  There are many Christians who are more excited by Paradise on Earth than by the Lord’s Kingdom of Heaven.  We often fault […]
December 30, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – January 3, 2021

It is often said that God works in most unusual ways.  His program has nothing to do with political power or military might.  He doesn’t wave banners or shout slogans or do any of the things calculated to grab headlines. Take for example the gospel account of the meeting of the Blessed Mother with her cousin Elizabeth.  They were both pregnant at the time.  That beautiful story is indicative of the mysterious ways of God.  God’s purpose was to redeem the world.  So where does He start?  Not with a summit conference in Jerusalem or Geneva, nor with the organizing […]
December 23, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – December 27, 2020

What is God’s intention for families?  What part does God mean families to play in human life?  Only when we understand what God has revealed about the family can we hope to find solutions to the problems families face today. The clearest statement of God’s plan for our family is the one that comes right at the beginning of the Bible in the account of the creation of man.  We often miss the point of this account.  Living as we do in a highly individualistic society; we are used to thinking of humanity as a mass of individuals.  Consequently, we […]
December 23, 2020

Pastor’s Christmas Message – December 25, 2020

There is a children’s story about a shopkeeper who dreamed one night that Jesus would visit him the next day.  The dream was so real that the shopkeeper believed it was really going to happen.  He got up the next morning fully expecting Jesus to visit him that day in his shop. When he arrived at work, the first item of business was to put the place in order, to clean up, pick up, fix up.  Everything had to be spic and span for the Lord’s visit.  So, he put his salesclerk to work with a broom and a dust […]