Letter from the Pastor

January 9, 2025

Letter From the Pastor – January 12, 2025

Good human relationships are based on mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual need.  This is true of husbands and wives, parents and children, employers and employees, friend and friend.  It is true even of our relationship with Jesus. This truth, as strange as it may seem, is clearly indicated all through the New Testament.  One such example is the feast we celebrate today – the baptism of Jesus.  It was crowned with divine approval.  But it was also accomplished by human hands.  Jesus was baptized but it was done by a man – John the Baptist.  John, at first, was […]
December 31, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – January 5, 2025

Usually, we think of our Christian faith as a personal relationship between an individual and God.  Certainly, it is that but it is not exclusively that.  We need to remember that our faith needs to grow within the family.  All of us come from homes, we live in homes, and some among us look forward to establishing their own homes.  This means that the success and happiness of our individual lives are deeply dependent upon the fate and fortunes of our family. For that matter, so is the future of our world.  What happens in the home in large measure […]
December 23, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – December 29, 2024

Usually, we think of our Christian faith as a personal relationship between an individual and God.  Certainly, it is that but it is not exclusively that.  We need to remember that our faith needs to grow within the family.  All of us come from homes, we live in homes, and some among us look forward to establishing their own homes.  This means that the success and happiness of our individual lives are deeply dependent upon the fate and fortunes of our family. For that matter, so is the future of our world.  What happens in the home in large measure […]
December 23, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – December 25, 2024

I read a story some time ago which I doubt is true, but it deals with a very profound truth.  The setting of this story was an exclusive men’s club in London in the early part of this century.  One member of the club was an outspoken atheist.  He did not believe in God.  He was critical of religion in general, and of Christianity in particular.  One day, someone wrote a little poem and posted it on the club bulletin board.  The man’s name was Joe, and the poem about him said:  “We have heard in language, highly spiced, that […]
December 20, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – December 22, 2024

For most of us, Christmas is a time of happiness.  We have learned to love virtually everything about it – the music, the lights, the giving and receiving of gifts, the fellowship of friends and family.  Year after year, we anticipate this season with great excitement and remember it with fondness, long after it is gone.  But in the midst of all this happiness, we need to remember that for some people Christmas is the loneliest time of the year.  For some, Christmas festivities remind them of broken relationships, and the togetherness of others serves to accentuate their own sense […]