Letter from the Pastor

July 31, 2016

July 31, 2016

Edna St. Vincent Mellay spoke for all of the human race when she wrote a poem entitled “Surge without Music.” It is a protest again death, not her own, but the death of others, many of whom she had known and loved. Death is always a disturbing consideration. It is like a mysterious curtain through which every person must pass, and no one knows for sure what waits on the other side. This element of mystery means that death is also frightening. The life that we are now living in these physical bodies is the only life that we have […]
July 24, 2016

July 24, 2016

As we read the news reports these days, one of the most obvious facts about our modern world is fragmentation, separation, people divided into separate, warring and competing groups. This tragic condition prevails at almost every level of life. One can observe it on our national scale these days. And we can observe it on the international scale as well. How many borders are there in this world that are watched on both sides by guards carrying guns? A carefully watched border can mean only one thing: the nations on either side are divided. Seems that people do not trust […]
July 17, 2016

July 17, 2016

So what do you think God’s intentions for families might be? What part does God mean families to play in human life? Only when we understand what God has revealed about the family can we hope to find solutions to the problems families face today. The clearest statement of God’s plan for the family is the one that comes right at the beginning of the Bible in the account of the creation of the human person. We often miss the point of this wonderful account. Living as we do in a highly individualistic society, we’re used to thinking of humanity […]
July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016

In 1806, William Wordsworth looked at his own life and the lives of his contemporaries and wrote these lines of poetry: “The world is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.” If that was an accurate description of life in the early part of the nineteenth century, how much more does it describe our lives in the early part of the twenty-first century? Don’t you agree that it can truthfully be said of you and me, “the world is too much with us?” Day in and day out, most of us are […]
January 31, 2016

January 31, 2016

Do you think that superficial optimism and unbounded encouragement are counter- productive? Well- intentioned but misguided friends often increase the pain they originally came to erase. Much too often someone mouths much too easily: “Well, it’s God’s will” or “Time heals everything”. How is one to deal with the question, “Will everything turn our all right?” We Catholics ought to be the genuine realists in this word. Often we are not. We are victimized, it seems, by that shallow optimism which is portrayed in the media and which wants everything to be all right. So we simply act as if […]