Letter from the Pastor

September 27, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – September 29, 2024

Last week, as you may recall, I wrote to you that it is certainly appropriate for we Catholics to vote as Catholics.  But this still leaves a number of difficult questions for us to consider.  It is one thing to say that we will let the principles of our Catholic faith be our guide.  It is quite another thing to apply those principles to real political choices today. Simply stated, the Gospel of Jesus is universal. Its principles apply equally to all people, in all places, at all times, in all cultures, and under all forms of government.  The Gospel […]
September 19, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – September 22, 2024

As election day 2023 draws near and in light of all that has happened within our nation over the past few years, many people are finally asking themselves:  Is it proper for a Christian to vote precisely as a Christian?  That is, to make political choices based primarily on Christian values and principles? I would answer yes.  Emphatically Yes!! We, Catholics, have let the secular society in which we live give us a kind of inferiority complex. We, too often, speak and act as if the biblical understanding of man and woman and human society were in some way inferior, […]
September 12, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – September 15, 2024

It is a commonly known fact that people in the ancient world believed there were many gods.  In the early biblical history, each nation was thought to have its own god, whom they worshipped and upon whom they depended for the necessities of life.   This ancient theology is generally thought to be obsolete.  In our modern, more enlightened age, we now believe in only one God, who is creator and sustainer of all things.  But whether or not that conclusion is true depends upon how we are using the word, God.  If we are speaking of our theological theory, then […]
September 5, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – September 8, 2024

One of the most obvious facts about our world today is fragmentation, separation, people, as it were, divided into separate, warring and competing groups.  This tragic condition prevails at almost every level of life.  We can observe it on a national and international scale.  How many borders are there in our world that are watched on both sides by guards carrying guns?  A carefully watched border can mean only one thing: the nations on either side are divided.  They do not trust each other. Today our own nation is fighting the war on terrorism.  Hundreds of thousands of our young […]
August 29, 2024

Letter From the Pastor – September 1, 2024

When Harry Truman was president of the United States, his daughter, Margaret, was aspiring to a career in opera.  The music critics had written some rather discouraging things about her future in that particular field.  Finally, she went to a specialist for an assessment of her chances to become an opera star.  After several days of evaluation, the specialist gave her opinion.  She said to Miss Truman, “You have a beautiful voice.  It is big enough and rich enough for opera.  The problem is with your ear.  And because of your ear, you will never attain greatness.” Maybe that same […]