Letter from the Pastor

March 26, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – March 28, 2021

                Holy Week 2021 is here.  This week starts with Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and ended with His tragic death on Calvary.                 In a sense, it is very strange that this week should be called holy.  As we walked through it, unfolding before our eyes was a scene of deception and dishonor, betrayal and denial, political expedience, and religious corruption, all of which culminated in the greatest crime of history.  Judged by the scenery, this could easily be called Hell Week.  But the strength and courage of one man took those […]
March 19, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – March 21, 2021

 From the human point of view God does the most unlikely things.  Who would have expected Him to visit the earth, but He did.  Who would have expected Him to be born in a stable, but He did.  Who would have expected Him to die on a cross, but He did.  And when He decided to find a leader for His Church, who would have expected Him to choose Peter, but He did. This goes to show that God’s ways are not our ways.  This is especially so in His choice of leaders.  Take the case of Moses for instance:  […]
March 12, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – March 14, 2021

                One of the most heated debates these days concerns the use of the death penalty.  One side is for it; the other side is against it.  One says it is moral; the other says it is immoral.  One says it serves as an effective deterrent to crime; the other says it does not.  And even among those who favor its use, there are areas of discussion and disagreement.  To what crimes should it apply?  What should be the age limit?  What method should be used?                 The debate goes on.  The questions […]
March 5, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – March 7, 2021

Do you remember the Gospel passage in which Jesus was a guest at a wedding in Cana of Galilee?  It must have been a festive occasion because the wine was gone before the celebration was over.  The Blessed Mother told Jesus about the problem and He came up with a marvelous solution.  At His instruction, six stone jars were filled with   water.  Then some was drawn out and taken to the head waiter.  He tasted it and then said to the groom: “People usually serve the choice wine first, then a lesser vintage.  What you have done is keep the […]
February 26, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – February 28, 2021

Every wife, mother or whoever happens to have the responsibility knows that there are two ways to clean house.  One is routine and regular; the other is major and seldom.  In the first, you sweep the floors, vacuum the carpets, wash the dishes, make the beds, scrub the bathrooms, and dust the furniture.   The second way includes all of the above but goes a bit further.  You also move the furniture in order to get at the dirt that has accumulated under and behind.  You clean out the refrigerator and throw away all of the moldy food.  You rearrange the […]