Letter from the Pastor

July 9, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – July 11, 2021

                An article, several years ago circulated in religious newspapers,  told of a famous Japanese artist who had contacted Christian missionaries to inquire about a ticket to heaven.  He was a very old man who knew that death could not be far away.  He had heard that Jesus had tickets to heaven, and he wanted to purchase one.                 None of us would laugh at the old man for wanting to go to heaven.  We all want to do that, and  we can understand that the missionaries would be pleased that a famous […]
July 2, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – July 4, 2021

               For all of us, life can be and should be an exciting experience.  It does not have to be dull, drab, or boring.  When I say this I am, of course, not speaking in absolutes.  None of us would expect, or even want, continuous excitement.                 Nevertheless, all of us, saint or sinner alike, do live for those times and places when life is exciting.  And we more or less endure that which lies in between.  In this we are all the same.  The difference between us is found in the ways and […]
June 25, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – June 27, 2021

                Religious faith brings out all sorts of qualities in the lives of the people whom it touches.  It lays hands on some, making them generous, kind and loving.  It takes hold of others and makes them cold, harsh and cruel.  St. Francis of Assisi was motivated by religious faith to renounce a personal fortune and lead a life of selfless devotion in service to the poor.  Many terrorists today are motivated by religious faith to lead lives of brutal persecution that results in the execution of hundreds and the imprisonment or displacement […]
June 18, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – June 20, 2021

                Do you ever wonder what would happen if God should really answer some of the prayers that we offer?  Say, for example, the prayer for strength.  We all feel a need of that, at least at times.  Life has a way of reminding us of our limitations.  It confronts us with challenges that exceed our abilities.  So it is a fairly common thing for us to ask of God the strength that we need to deal with the demands of daily living.  But we offer that prayer with little thought of what […]
June 9, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – June 13, 2021

Many thousands of people, caught in the grasp of some personal tragedy, have said, or least thought: “If God will do so, He can cure me.”  When trouble comes and  human solutions fail, most of us think of God.  And our first reaction is the same as that of many people – if God were so inclined, He could solve this problem and set things right. But we are well aware that most personal tragedies do not turn out with a happy    ending.  I have known, and so have others, that many people prayed for a deliverance that never came.  […]