Letter from the Pastor

October 1, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – October 3, 2021

                For many people, there was a time in life when we were complimented if someone guessed our age to be more than it was.  Now, we are complimented when someone thinks our age to be less than it is.  Somewhere along the way, a transition took place.  But when did it happen?  Most of us do not remember.  We only know that it did.                 Our attitude toward aging is an interesting thing.  We live in a youth-oriented culture.  Everyone seems to think the ideal age is about twenty-five.  Those who are […]
September 24, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – September 26, 2021

          Have you ever wondered why millions of people watch soap operas on television?  The answer, it seems to me, is not difficult to find.  Our real lives tend to become so dull and drab, but those people on the screen lead lives of daily intrigue and romance.  So people by the multiplied thousands sit before their televisions and escape from the world of monotonous reality into a world of exciting fantasy.           For some people, even religion can be used in somewhat the same way.  We live in a world of […]
September 17, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – September 19, 2021

In Colossians 3:16-17, we’re told: “Let the word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you.  In wisdom made perfect, instruct and admonish one another.  Sing gratefully to God from your hearts in psalms, hymns, and inspired songs.  Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord, Jesus.” The gift of speech is to be used to praise and worship God.  It is to be used to create joy and laughter and song.  It is meant to persuade us in those things that are for our good and God’s glory.  It […]
September 10, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – September 12, 2021

      I wonder if many people today really believe that God sees all their circumstances, their cares, and that He wants to provide for them?  So please take time to read Matthew 6:25-33 and Psalm 139.       Do you believe that as our good shepherd He is there to guard, to protect, to make provisions for, and to save us from harm?        So very often when difficult circumstances arise we rush off to help ourselves and meet our own needs.  Many run from God, Our Father, seeking to save themselves.  And in so doing we […]
September 3, 2021

Letter From the Pastor – September 5, 2021

Several years ago, a plane crashed at National Airport in Washington D.C.   While taking off during a snow storm, it lost altitude, bounced off a bridge and fell into the river.  In the aftermath of the tragedy, a helicopter was used to lift survivors from the icy water.  The rescue effort produced a number of heroes. One of the most memorable was a man in the water.  When the helicopter came for him, he waved it on to another survivor.  He did this, not once, but several times.  And when the helicopter came back the last time, it was too […]